Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Back to school again

I completed one of the nastiest tasks last night - cleaning the refrigerator. How can it get so, so, ICKY so quickly?? I shudder every single time I think about it. Now, though, I just want to open the door and say to everyone, "Look at this - doesn't it look great?!"

Over the weekend I went out and bought - and even installed - black out curtains and normal curtains for The R-man's room. He told me that he's not shy, and pretty sure that with the amount of snow, and being at the back of the house, no one will look in his window. Still - he just got off his first "over-night" shift, and I wanted to know that he would have a way of darkening the room so that he could sleep today. I thought the window was more narrow than it is, but for today the one curtain and one black-out curtain should work well enough. I will stop and get two more panels on my way home tonight.

The A-man has a double English test today, since he didn't go to school on Thursday. He finished up a bunch of homework yesterday, both through the day and in to the evening. S didn't have any homework over the weekend.

Hubby and I had to go in to the near city to pick out new reading glasses for Hubby, and S came with us so that he could get his hair cut. He kept the lady laughing the entire time she was cutting his hair. He can be such a card.
I just left the computer for a while - got S all squared away for going back to school. As I was putting his lunch bag in to his backpack, I pulled out his agenda to see what has been happening and why he hasn't had much homework. Turns out he has had homework - he has just noticed how hectic our lives have been, and going the on the hope that I wouldn't check his agenda. Which I hadn't. I feel like I am a horrible parent.
I insist that the EA take more time to write in his agenda, and then I get so caught up in other things I don't look at the agenda. Horrible, horrible parent.
Guess I will have to make the checking of the agenda a priority every day. Geesh - just when I thought he was getting better.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

good luck with that fridge thing...cleaned mine out a couple weeks back and in less than a week it was just as groutey as before..."when you clean it they will spill." that's my motto anyway!

Btw...You are NOT a horrible mother, it is reasonable to expect kids of your's ages to bear some of the brunt of responsible behaviour...regardless of whatever learning disablities they may have. Part of growth, learn by screwing up and having Mom bust your chops.