Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Been a while

I know it has been a bit since I did an update on here.  It's been a bit of a busy month, I would say.

Just got back from a week's holiday with Hubby.  We went to Cuba.  What a restful and relaxing holiday it was!

The boys spent the week with my parents, and it sounds like they had a very good time.

Hubby and I were delayed in getting home; we'd been looking forward to having an extra day to sleep in and relax, spending time with the boys before they started their exams this morning, but mechanical problems with the plane changed those well-planned intentions!  At least we made it home safe and sound, even it was a good 14 hours later than we expected.

Will write a better update when I have a chance this evening!

Monday, January 4, 2010

Quick update

It was a whirlwind of weeks, I will admit!

It was probably one of the best Christmas days I can remember in a very long time. I wrote a very long post that I thought had been published, but it doesn't seem to be here right now. I will have to try and find where it went!

But, that said, our family had a great holiday. We actually had three days in a row of seeing different family members, and each event was wonderful.

New Year's was a small gathering of friends at our house for a Thai-inspired dinner. I made the appetizers - chicken saytay and rice paper spring rolls, a beef/lime salad and yellow chicken curry with sticky rice. My friend made a Thai shrimp/squash soup, a shrimp pad Thai and a tiramisu with a Thai twist. It was a very yummy, yummy dinner, and everyone agreed that it tasted like anything you would find in a restaurant.

I took down the Christmas decorations yesterday, and had a very large fight with S regarding the completion of the Geography assignment. We actually had a couple of 'events' with S over the holidays, but I will have to take some time to compile those thoughts/actions before I post them on here. It was not some of his best behaviours for some of it - and yet some of his best of others.

An enigma; that’s my S.