Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Extreme weather

This morning my computer informed me that we are under a severe WIND WARNING. Who gets wind warnings? We have the weather dropping from +4 to -7, and the weather network is worried about the wind? Yeah, what about the FREEZING on the roads, etc??!! Maybe they are worried that the wind will push our cars around on the icy roads...

Had sushi with Dar last night. We had made plans for it, but I got my days all mixed up, and was so glad she sent me an email asking if we were still on. It was really good, and I'm lucky enough to have left-overs that will serve as a very nice lunch today!

Due to the weather, all busses in our county are cancelled - so S gets to stay at home with the A-man today. They are leaving tonight for London - S has his fMRI tomorrow - so he is going to have a very short week, it would seem. I will be leaving tomorrow afternoon for our show in Hamilton.

Actually, I'm supposed to be going to an ADHD information meeting tonight, but I may give it a miss if the weather continues to act goofy. I have a bunch of other things that I need to do to get ready a) the business trip b) our holiday and c) the conference and d) work on the ADHD stragegic plan. I will make that call tonight when I get home from work, and have a better understand of where I stand there, but right now, I'm leaning towards staying home.

Not much else to update on. The A-man is enjoying his week off, and S said they only listened to speeches all day yesterday, and he didn't have any homework. Looking forward to our holiday, and that about sums it up!

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