Friday, November 30, 2007


Another PD day for S today. He is going to come to the office with me. Boss has left for his conference in Cancun this morning, so it will be fine to have S there. Not that it wouldn't have been fine with Boss there, it's just easier to not have to worry about it.
S will bring his History project to work on, but I'm sure he will just watch TV and play on the computer for most of the time. Have a meeting at the school to review report card - which is why I want him with me. He needs to hear what the teachers say. Will spend a fair bit of time with the French teacher, I'm sure. There is no way he should be getting a 55% if she is making the accommodations that are listed in the IEP. If he is, then the IEP needs to be modified.

Have to call Cuz tonight - her hubby has been admitted to the hospital. Heart issues. This bites.

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