Friday, November 9, 2007

Goofy kid

This morning, S has been acting like a total goof ball. At first, he was just so annoying, but since he took his meds and had breakfast, it has gone from being "smack-your-head-off-the-wall-annoying" to just mildly silly. I just got a great big hug and snuggle....hmmm...that was nice.

Got home from work last night and just crashed on the couch. Didn't take S to karate, didn't make dinner, nothing. I didn't ask the boys about homework - I didn't care. I stayed on that couch all night - then I went to bed. I woke up feel somewhat better today, thankfully.

The A-man saw my blog the other day, and told me he didn't think it very 'internet safe' to have the photo on there, so I have removed it. I explained to him that I thought it would be okay since the photo was quite old, and they have both grown and changed so much, but he still wasn't convinced. I received a lecture about Internet safety, etc., and so it's gone. (I love it when he starts to lecture me on things I have lectured him on - shows that he really does listen to me!! lol)

Thank goodness it's Friday. Been a very long week...

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