Friday, November 2, 2007

Back at it

It is now Friday morning. Arrived back home VERY early Wednesday morning (read 5am) and slept for the better part of the day. Wednesday night was Halloween, so I begged off taking the boys - hubby was able to help out, thank heavens.

Last night was a relative easy night in the homework department. S had a math sheet to complete - which he did with very little fuss or fan fare. The A-man didn't have any homework, apparently. S has a science sheet that is due on Monday, so that will need some attention over the weekend.

Hubby is getting ready for the annual trek up north - it will be just the boys and I for the week. The dumb beagle will be travelling with hubby, so it will be a nice, quiet week! Think the boys and I will do our annual "dinner and a movie" on Saturday. Should be a nice weekend.

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