Thursday, November 8, 2007


I'm in a bit of a grouch this morning. Not sure if it's because of the weather, the overwhelming mess of my house, the towering piles of paperwork on my desk at work, or the pile of laundry taking over the basement... whatever it is, I am just not feeling myself.

The A-man did well at the office yesterday. He claims the job I gave him was 'totally boring' - and he's sort of right (lol) - which explains why I've been delaying in doing it myself!

S brought home his revised IEP - must say the SERT has been working very hard at ensuring she gets all of the finer points covered. I have signed off on it with no revision requests. I'm thinking that will surprise her.

Got a call from the mom I was helping - regarding her daughter's IPRC, etc. The school board has actually set a date for a full psycho-ed assessment for her. This girl has been on the 'waiting list' for over 4 years - it's about time. Personally, I think they realized this woman had started to get a little help, and realized they had better do what is within their legal obligations. She told me yesterday that whenever they discussed stuff at the school, the principal would say "...and I know you will want to go over this with your contact." The lady figures they thought I was a professional advocate. No matter - she is finally going to get a bit of understanding with respect to her daughter's learning challenges.

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