Sunday, October 21, 2007


This morning I did a bit more updating on my other 'new' blog - the photo journal of my upcoming trip. Then I went and picked the A-man up from his safe boaters course - which he passed. Dropped him off at our friend's house where hubby was helping with the building of their new home. I went in to work for a little while to talk to Boss about the events of Friday. Long and short of it - I prepared Assistant's final pay cheque.

Anyway, S had a friend over this afternoon to finalize the Abba project, and then my parents came over for dinner. Yesterday was my dad's 58th birthday. Made a nice salad to start the dinner, then we had a roast beef dinner, with roast potatoes, mushrooms, and steamed asparagus. Dessert was a Boston creme cake. I am very full. We had my favourite red wine with dinner, too. I am feeling very sleepy now after such a yummy dinner.

The A-man did a bit more work last night on his Science project, which is very good. I want to be sure it is finished before I leave on Wednesday because I know my mom won't be as diligent about making sure he does what he needs to do. A-man and my Dad are going to have a 'boy's night' on Wednesday because my Mom has a meeting that evening. I'm not sure who is more excited about that - Dad or the A-man.

Why do weekends pass so quickly? I have not started to pack yet, but I did pick up a couple of new tops, plus a new wig that I think may join me on our travels. Soon, very soon...

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