Monday, October 22, 2007

Time Management Skills

How does one go about teaching their child the necessity of time-management skills? I am so frustrated with explaining over and over again about the reasons WHY I remind the A-man of his homework and projects. Should I just let it go - let it become his problem and concern? Should I risk him just being a miserable crank prior to going to bed the night before something is due? Normally I wouldn't be as worried about this as I am tonight, but I am trying to get myself ready to go away, and I know my parents won't 'remind' him of his project and homework deadlines.

The A-man went on a fishing trip today - with the Outdoors club. He has a Science lab due on Wednesday, and a project due on Thursday. He has Air Cadets tomorrow night, and I am leaving first thing Wednesday morning, therefore will be rushing around trying to finalize all that I need for work, for the trip from work, plus the other things I will need to finalize for all of them. Argggh. And he gets angry with ME telling me that he needs some 'alone' time. Apparently playing with my parent's puppy while hubby fixed the satellite wasn't considered 'alone' time. He will be required to catch up on the work that he missed today. (sigh)

Oh well - I can only do so much.

My trip has been extended one day - I will now be getting home on Halloween. S is not happy about this. He does not want me to go in the first place, and now he's all worried that Hubby won't get the costumes done. I have already bought the necessary things - I'm not sure why he is concerned about this. I think he may have a bit of an outburst tomorrow. I will warn the EA and SERT, again.

Okay - off to pack.

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