Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Another Lazy night

Tonight, during homework time, rather than actually helping with the homework, I sat outside and slowly inched my way forward toward the family of stray kittens that were born in my compost bin during Labour Day weekend. Let hubby to help S with both Math and Geography.

I got right up close to one of the kittens - a black one - and just as I tried to pet it's ear, it clawed my finger. Didn't really hurt - startled me more than anything. The momma cat is very friendly, and I was even able to hold her for a long time while I watched the sun going down. She had four kittens in total - two black ones (momma is black, long haired), one grey and black tabby, and one white and orange tabby. I was able to get close to them when they were days old, but I guess the momma didn't think that was too safe, and moved them. This is the first time I have seen them since they were born. At that time, I thought there were only three.

We have been feeding the momma for about two months now. She is so pretty, and so well-mannered. I don't think she was abandoned though - I hope not. Anyway, she sort of adopted our deck, and since we have our two kittens, we just started putting food out for her. Now we have two bowls of food outside - one up on the table for the momma, and one on the ground half way between the bush area and where the momma comes to eat. My hope is that the kittens will get used to seeing us, and will let us get close enough to pet, etc., and then I want to find homes for them. I just can't imagine those poor wee babies out in the cold of winter. Hubby has actually said he would build a little shelter for them, with straw, etc., in the boy's tree house, but I hope that we don't need to do that. It breaks my heart to see such beautiful animals just abandoned like that.

Contacted the SERT today to ask about the team meeting on Friday, and a copy of the agenda. Will be the SERT, myself, the classroom teacher and the EA. No principal - which is totally fine by me. We will review his safe plan, his IEP, the first month of school, that sort of thing. The SERT did make a comment that she would present me with an IEP, then take it back to the office with lots of sticky notes on it, and then will re-do it to my satisfaction. I laughed when I read that. I think she just expects me to find fault with something in the initial IEP. If it's well-planned, I will be happy to sign off on it right away.

So, the A-man has no homework tonight, and I think I am about to go and attempt to straighten up his room a wee bit. He is SUCH a pack-rat. He claims he did 'clean' it after dinner...we shall see. If you don't hear from me in the next 24 hours, send a search party!

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