Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Still not much...

Apparently neither of the boys have homework, again. Why do I remember having WAY more homework than this 25 years ago?

No matter. It's my down night - no running!! - so if I don't have to help with that, my feeling are not going to be hurt.

Turns out assistant came in this afternoon. I think my conversation with her yesterday must have been something she considered a bit last night. Was a very different person today, and although towards the end of the afternoon she did start to get a little chatty, she did spend most of the time working diligently on the task she has to have completed for the end of the day on Friday. Time will tell.

I think I may have been a little more short fused than normal yesterday, but in all fairness, I am being pulled in many directions, which is the reason why Boss has hired an assistant. My thought process on approaching any new job is that you do it the way it has been established, and once you actually know and understand a bit more, if you have found an easier, faster, or more effective way of doing it, THAT is when you make a suggestion. Not AS the job is starting to be explained. But, again, she did seem to understand that a bit more this afternoon. I hope so - I don't want to have to go through that whole process again, but I guess we will if it's not working.

Dinner is finally ready. Yippee!

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