Thursday, February 7, 2008

Better today

Went to bed with the boys last night, and I feel asleep right away. Actually, was in a very good sleep, but at 3:15am, I woke up because Hubby wasn't in bed, nor could I hear the TV on. Came out to the living room, and saw that his vehicle wasn't in the driveway. Also saw that there was a LOT of snow on the vehicles that were in the driveway. Snow was up to the back bumper of my car.

So, I called his cell phone - he was just minutes from home. When he got out of his vehicle - on the road - he walked up the laneway, and the snow was above his knees. (Hubby is 6 feet tall.) He blew out the driveway, and didn't come to bed until 6:30 this morning.

So, now the R-man and I are having a leisurely coffee as we wait for the roads to get plowed so that we can attempt to get to work. The R-man actually commented this morning that he has never seen such a large dump of snow in such a short period of time. It's pretty crazy. Both school boards have actually CLOSED the schools - which never happens.

I have a few things that I need to clean up at the office, but I am not going to push it. I will get there when I do, and do what is vital for the next 2 weeks, but then, come 4pm, I am GONE!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

we in the city got a major dumping of the white stuff as well...been quite a few winters since we've had soooo much snow. I was not a happy camper this hour just to get the truck cleaned off and a bit of a path shoveled to get out onto road, if you can call a giant snow drift a road.this after shoveling twice the previous evening. + there was a huge drift up one side of the truck that was over my knees which I had to scramble thru to brush off the windows. Fortuantely the main roads were good andit turned out to be a relatively easy commute so despite a poor beginning to the day and it came together. A couple more weeks till it's March and with that SPRING is just around the corner...YEAH!