Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Let the games begin...

Hubby and I discovered over the weekend, it was not exactly the best of times to start the reduction of S's anxiety medication. We will try again in a couple of weeks - once the 'excitement' of beginning a new school year is over.
He didn't exactly have a major melt down yesterday, but it was gearing up to be a good one. Hubby was able to head it off at the pass.

I think both boys are quite excited about the start of a new school year, all things considered. Yes, S did have a bit of a melt down yesterday (as we knew he would) but he was up early this morning -before I woke him - and he's been talking non-stop since. "8th grade privilege" and "on the first day of school last year..."
The A-man's alarm went off at 6:30 (!!) and he didn't take too long to actually turn it off and start moaning about getting out of bed. He isn't a morning person - gets that from his Mom - therefore he realizes he needs time, at his pace, to do what he likes/needs to do in the morning. It has taken me a number of years to be able to relinquish control enough to allow him this time and space, but it really did work for him last year. I'm pretty sure his new-found maturity level also helped greatly with this.

Yesterday, when we were leaving the cottage, S told me that he and his brother and their three friends from the cottage had a big group hug as a way of saying good-bye to summer. Coping, learning and growing, I guess.

The start of another school year. I hope (and pray) it's finally a good one.

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