Friday, September 12, 2008

Fridays & weekends

aaahhh.... Friday evening.... I love Friday evenings. Sitting here with my sweatpants on, warm comfy shirt... all is quiet in the house. Fridays are, quite simply, the best way to start a weekend. :o)

This morning was pretty good for getting the boys off to school. I was tired again, and not really wanting to get out of bed, but after I got motivated to do so, everything else just sort of fell in to place.

After work I had an appointment, then went to have coffee with a friend of mine. Now, I'm sitting here trying to warm up from the damp, wet outside, and trying to figure out my plan of attack on the household chores that need to be completed. Laundry is almost caught up, too.

It's hard when I have work weekends - I feel like I missed so much when I am away for one. I don't get the same amount of down time, I don't get to just BE.
I'm really working on letting myself simply BE. I follow a blog where the blogger often talks about the importance of living in the moment, and when I read her wise words, I often find myself wishing I was able to do that. I simply can't get my mind to live in the current moment; to not think about doing a) then b) and then c.) I can see how that approach can be very beneficial - I just have to learn how to do this.

Maybe someday.

Have a nice weekend, all. I know I am looking forward to mine - even if the weather isn't going to be the best!

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