Friday, September 5, 2008

Off again...

The vehicle is packed...with a few more things to add...and then I am off for another working weekend. This time is another outdoor event, but in the city. I won't be home until Monday afternoon, and I am a little nervous about it, I will admit.

S seems totally okay with my leaving - but he always does. This morning he has been very silly and I've had to give him many reminders in the past hour. (Not the best way to start a morning, I will confess...)
The A-man is fine about my going away for the weekend, but felt very assured that he had all of the contact information he needs - just in case.

We all went to see the R-man's house last night. It is quite nice, and they look like they have been living there forever. We didn't get to visit as long as I would have liked, but that was my fault because my hairdresser took a lot longer getting rid of the grey...

On my way out the door, R-man's girlfriend (I'm going to call her LF) handed me a couple of gift bags - my 'birthweek' gifts from Cuz. (!!) Love the burning candles and firetruck sounds, btw...
This morning is day one - very nice candle holder.

For the past couple of years, Cuz and I have celebrated our birth weeks. One present a day for the week building up to your actual birthday, with the main gift being #7. We usually go for cute, silly things for the other 6 days, but it just helps build the excitement of having a 'special' day. (I am very much of the belief that a birthday should be celebrated regardless of the age of the person! :o) )

And... I am off!

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