Wednesday, September 3, 2008

It went well!

The A-man is totally pumped about his "Hospitality & Tourism" class. The first cooking section they are going to cover is baking, and he is going to learn how to make an apple pie. I have no idea what other types of items they are going to be making, though - he was really focused on the pie! (lol)
Actually, he did tell me that they had an ISU (individual study unit) where they needed to learn a little bit about a country of choice, then present the information they learned while preparing a dish from said country. The A-man thought he would like to prepare sushi.
Yeah - not only is it a very expensive food choice, but also not an easy one for a beginner chef. Hmmm.... maybe this could be a Mother/Son experiment - we could learn together! I will have to suggest that to him.

S did very well for his first day. Well, at least he told me that he did - which for him is always the most important thing. He got to meet the new principal - he thought she seemed nice - and he has a couple of friends in his class, which is always a good thing.
After supper last night, we went through his agenda and wrote in the days that he has to pack his gym clothes, pizza days, that sort of thing. I told him I would fill in the month of September but it was up to him to do the rest of the months. I highly doubt he will do it, but my thought is that if I keep showing him the steps, maybe eventually, he will pick them up too. BIG maybe there.

Last night I started to read an article of executive dysfunction of the brain, and then after I had read the same paragraph at least three times, I realized I was simply too tired to be able to absorb anything. I slept like a log, but had odd dreams. Very odd dreams. This morning it was tough to drag myself out of bed.

Today is the day that the boys and I are interviewed for the ADHD Information DVD. I didn't share the details of the interview until last night. As I expected, the two of them got very excited and started acting a bit goofy. The A-man suddenly developed an English accent. I have no idea what country S was supposed to be from. I laughed when the producer called me and said they were just going to Google how to get to our house. Try explaining to someone from the city that although you really do have an address, it is simply too obscure for Mapquest to find. I really don't think she believed me.

I am working this coming weekend - another music event for a client. It is going to be really long days (13 hour shifts!!) but I think it will be fun. The weather is supposed to be really hot, but since we are going to be working outside until midnight each night, we are going to have to bring the gammet with respect to clothing. I will NOT be going in to the office on Monday.

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