Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Visual DNA and "the date"

Cuz always sends me the most interesting website links. I took this Visual DNA test today and was amazed at how accurate it was. It doesn’t take long, nor is it difficult – try it yourself and see if you found that it gives a pretty good summary of who you are, just based on the photos you select.

Well, tonight is the night of “the big date.” I’m not sure if he is nervous, but I will have about 15 minutes alone with him while we are going to pick up this sweet girl, so I guess I will get a chance to gauge his mood then. (I’m probably more excited than he is!)
Will keep you posted!
3:11pm - I receive a text message from the A-man - "Cancel on the movies. R's dad said no"
Oh - my poor baby!! I texted him back something to the effect of "Bummer" and then asked if he was okay. His response? "I'll live, but I'm upset about it"
How sad. I'm sure R was/is just as upset as the A-man is!
End result, when I asked if there was anything I could do, he asked if I would take him and his brother to see the movie.
The show starts at 7:05 at the theatre I will be taking them to.

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