Wednesday, September 10, 2008


What. A. Flipping. Morning!!

Last night was a hellish night as I was helping S with his homework.
First off, when I got home from work, I noticed that neither boy did their nightly chores. Then, after dinner we had to broach the whole 'homework' issue.
S had homework in History, Geography and Math. His idea of doing his math was putting a bunch of question marks on his sheet and telling me he was going to get his EA to help him with it. Yeah, that went over like a lead balloon. Little brat simply didn't READ what he was supposed to do. Once I read it to him, it was amazing how quickly those 10 questions were answered.
Fights and tears... yeah, good times.

This morning, like yesterday morning, he was just here, there and everywhere. I just want to scream at him, "WOULD YOU FOCUS FOR JUST 3 MINUTES???!!?!?!?"
My SIL is here this morning because we are going to the funeral in a few hours, and after both boys were gone, she was just shaking her head saying, "I don't know how you do that every day. I would be insane." Gotta love ADHD.

And here is the kicker - it's better than is used to be. I am still going crazy with the nonsense and silliness, and things are better! No wonder I was stressed to the breaking point a few years ago.

Then, to make matters worse, the A-man is outside waiting for his bus and 15 minutes pass. I do not have time today to run him into school. The school is half an hour the opposite way of where we are going and we are on a timeline today. Turns out the driver was a sub and he got lost on our rural roads. Showed up almost 20 minutes late, going the wrong way on our street...
The A-man sent me a text telling me to take a deep breath. (snicker...)

Probably doesn't help that SIL made Hubby and I sit up with her and have a couple glasses of wine last night...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, actually the meds I am taking now are supposed to help headaches. I know it's because of my neck, I can feel it but I haven't tried a heating pad...might have to try that (and of course, go see the cute chiropractor).