Thursday, September 25, 2008

This and that

This afternoon I get to attend my last-ever “Meet the Creature (I mean Teacher)” night at S’s school. S has the same teacher as last year, and I’ve known her socially for at least five years, but we are still going. S really wants me to meet his new French teacher for some reason. (I guess he just needs someone/something to be new to justify our going.)

Had an ADHD information session to attend last night. It was an open discussion evening, with primary focus being on the development of an IEP. I was the moderator for the discussion, and although there wasn’t a lot in attendance, we had three new people there. All of them are fairly new to the world of ADHD and special education. Its nights like this that keeps me involved in this association. When you see the relief in other parent’s eyes, the simple understanding that all in attendance truly GET IT, well, it makes the hard work justified in some way. I’m glad that we are able to offer a support system for parents – I just wish we had more people that would help us provide this support. I understand life is busy – I feel like the epitome of ‘busy’ right now – but I still find (or make) the time to do what I can.

At work yesterday, I felt like I was glued to my chair with a lifeline extended from my fingers to the keyboard. Was working on a big presentation that Boss will be making on Friday and we got down to the final crunch-time. Got it all done, but whew, was I ever beat when I finally left work. (Then headed straight to my ADHD meeting…)

The A-man was very disappointed in the cancelled date, but I guess R was also upset. Which is a good thing, too, I suppose. (Would have been much worse if she’d been blasé about it all.) We went and saw “Momma Mia” on Tuesday night to help ease the pain. I had seen the play a couple of times and have the CD. (Big ABBA fan, I suppose.)
The movie was good. Very different from the play in that there was (obviously) a lot more scenery and the movie allowed them to show a lot more details than you can get on stage. There were some scene/setting changes, but I still enjoyed it. Even got choked up at the ‘sad’ part – even though I knew the end. Glenn Close did a very good job with her part, and Colin Firth in a 70’s jumpsuit was truly a sight to behold!
Both boys enjoyed the movie, and I’m pretty sure it will become a movie we will own in our house once it’s out on DVD. (Couple of sexual innuendos I was uncomfortable with S seeing, but I doubt it’s not anything he hasn’t seen before…)

Hubby is on nights this week and next, and next week I have something going on every single night of the week, and then a work/fun weekend in Montreal. This week is/was also a week of things going on every night – including a double booked night tonight. We have a wedding this weekend – S’s Godparent’s daughter is getting married on Saturday. Her first crush (when she was 7) had been on Hubby. She figured she would marry him when I was ‘finished’ with him. We tease her constantly about that still.

Looking forward to the long weekend that is coming up!

1 comment:

SIG said...

Hahaha! I love that - 'meet the creature'!