Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Government Agencies vs. Pharma companies

A few years ago, the A-man participated in a study to determine how informed he (and I) were with respect to ADHD and the effects of medication. It was a government agency that was running this study. We drove to the city to participate in it because I knew they would be able to give us a bit of a snap-shot psycho-ed assessment.
The A-man and I were there for a couple of hours. At the end of the entire event, I think I received a cheque for $45 to cover the cost of parking and my participation in the study. The A-man received a cheque for $25. Now, we didn't do this study for the money - we did it because we thought it would help this agency.

This afternoon we had the marketing company come to our house to film us for an information DVD. Two guys - interviewer and cameraman - came to our house. They set up their camera, got the lighting situated just so, and interviewed each of us. Total time they were at the house was about an hour and a half. (That included all of the set up, each of the interviews, then the tear down.)
When we were just about finished, I had to sign some release forms for the interview portions, and to indicate that we knew we would be receiving payment for our participation. I was expecting a nominal amount - I had never asked about it, to be honest. I knew the information that was sent to us did indicate we would be reimbursed for our time - but again, I was expecting a nominal amount.

Yeah - here is the kicker:
  • Government agency takes about 2 hours of your time, you pay for parking and make arrangements to get yourself there; $70.
  • Pharma company meets you at the location of your choice, takes less than half an hour of your time and films you for a DVD; $300.

(I just about fell off the couch when I read that on the form. The A-man and S feel like they are rich now... They want to film DVD all of the time!!)

Wow - ya think they have much money?

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