Monday, September 15, 2008

A birthday poem

This morning I signed on to Facebook to discover Bear's son had written a poem for my 40th birthday.
He was at my 'surprise' birthday party on Saturday night, and I think he had a fun time.
I was the first to change his diaper because his mom didn't know what to do with "the extra parts" that her then two-year daughter didn't have. I visited him in the hospital when his ashama was bad, and his mom was exhausted and needed a break.
One year, he came trick or treating with me and my sons - just because.
When he won an award at his Grade 8 graduation, I think I was beaming as much as him own mom! ( took lots of pictures!!)

He's 14, and a great kid. I love him dearly; and from this poem (which his mom told me took him 45 minutes to write...) I would say the feeling is mutual.

I feel so loved. :o)


I've know you since I was born
I've know you since i first ate corn.
You've watch, you've listened;
You've cared all along
And all I can think is that it's been way too long.

I miss the times we had
Even if i was mad.
Because I know
That you show

The true qualities of a friend.

You've been there through the good and the bad,
The happy and the sad,
And no matter what you've never been mad ...( at least not at me :) )

If there's one thing that I can say
It's that there's no one I would rather have as a replacement mom.

I don't see you a lot, but I know when I see your face that I'm ok; and if I ever need you, that you will be there and that is my gift to you; if being the one who cares if no one else does the one who will listen if needed, and the one who idiolizes you for being you. Caring and generous, more then happy to help - that is you. That is my replacement mom; that is Jori the yesterday- birthday girl.

1 comment:

SIG said...

A belated Happy Birthday, my dearest friend. Hope you had a great one. You must have, considering it was a surprise. :)