Monday, December 17, 2007

Painting - and more snow

Whew - what a busy weekend! I'm quite tired, truth be told. The worst part about it all, though? We weren't busy doing fun stuff. Oh, no - we were busy with plastering, sanding, cleaning...and painting. Well, I was busy with the painting - hubby did the bathroom steaming. With S's help.

The foyer is done! There are some final brush-required touch ups to be done, but for all intense purposes, I have finally succeeded in getting rid of that TERRIBLE wallpaper! The wall is now a beautiful hue called "Roasted Pepper," and it is a red that is very warm and inviting. Which, considering that it is in the main entry way, is a good thing. Hubby got all the trim and baseboards back on last night (that didn't crack when he removed them), and the colour of the walls with the oak trim is amazing. I thought it would be, but seeing the finished product always gives a feeling of relief. Tonight I will wash the floors, finish up the touch-up areas, then onward to the boy's bathroom. poor wrist and hand - the joints are not impressed.

I am so glad I went grocery shopping on Saturday night. We got about 16 inches of snow yesterday. I understand (from the radio) that the big city area got really dumped on - which always causes problems because a) they don't know how to drive in it and b) there is no where to PUT the snow! I had thought I would go and see Cuz on Saturday, but then decided I really needed to dedicate my time to getting that foyer done, and since we (and she) got all that snow, I'm thinking it was better that I did stay at home.
I was amazed to watch the accumulation on the hot tub cover yesterday. When I got up yesterday morning, there was about 2 inches on the cover - which had been cleared off the previous night when Hubby and the A-man had a tub. By about 9am, the amount of snow had doubled...and then, dump. Again - so glad I didn't have anywhere that I had to go yesterday.

Hubby called me about 20 minutes ago to see if I was going to go in to work. I am. It's another snow day - I don't think we have ever had this many snow days in December before - but I have a couple of deadlines that I need to meet, and today is it. Boss will be leaving the office around 2 or so today to head off for meetings, so I think my assistant and I will be calling it a day then, too. Hubby's big concern when he called was to make sure I stuck to his tracks in the driveway. It drifted last night and it is quite thick towards the end of it. (He even backed up a couple of times this morning to make a path for me - isn't that sweet?)

Only 8 more shopping days until Christmas! I have to get finished SOON.

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