Wednesday, December 5, 2007

and finally, back to school...

With S having a PA day on Friday, then the two snow days, he has been home for 5 full days. Now he is worried about the amount of work they are going to have to catch up on. I told him that I'm sure the teacher will make adjustments.
Hubby and I will be leaving late this afternoon to our friend's funeral. The visitation is tonight, and I am hoping we will be able to get there in time. I just can't leave work early... well, I'll see how the day goes.
We have made arrangements for S to go to my MIL's - my parents will be at the funeral, also - and the A-man will be hanging out at Jazzy's house. (He was actually quite annoyed that he didn't get to go home on that bus tonight. He and Jazzy's brother are such good friends - it's nice to FINALLY see him with good, true friends.) The funeral is tomorrow morning, so we will be home some time tomorrow - late afternoon, early evening. Guess we will have to get dumb beagle back too at some point...
What a week it's been. I got a bit more decorating done yesterday - couldn't get the garland I wanted, but I got a nice alternative. I'm even going to do a little village area heading down the stairs. It has been quite a while since I was this excited about's nice. Just feels so odd with know what our friends are coping with...

Noticed this morning that I have almost made 100 blog notes. That's pretty neat. Should do a special "100" recap or something on the know, like they do for TV

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