Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas!

Today was, by far, one of the most relaxing, easy-going holidays we have ever had. Of course, I had the dinner rush, and the wrapping rush at the end, but that is part of what makes it a holiday. But, this morning, we were able to just spend some quality time together as a family. I had a wonderful Christmas - and I sincerely hope you did too!

Tomorrow will be a busy day as my dad's family will decend upon our house for the first time. I'm not sure how many will make it, but I have planned on 45. I have a roast that I will prepare in the morning, plus some turkey from tonight, and Mom made a few things... it will be fine - everyone brings a dish of some sort. We got the kitchen cleaned up with lightening speed this evening - should be a repeat for tomorrow.

All the best, everyone - I will write more later.

Merry Christmas!

1 comment:

SIG said...

Merry Christmas my dear, and have fun with all the parties.