Tuesday, July 15, 2008

This and that...

I knew it was too good to be true.
The A-man did NOT clean his room yesterday, however he did manage to find the stray school uniform dress shirt. I think he dumped everything out of every single drawer in order to do so, but I'm pretty sure he knew that he had better find that shirt if he knew what was good for him. (I don't take well to missing articles of clothing - especially uniform articles.)
This morning, I left a note for both boys indicating what 'special' jobs I wanted done today, and the room cleaning was one of the A-man's. I don't imagine it will get done - it's just far too far gone for him to cope on his own. But, then again, maybe he will surprise me. Here's hoping.

S's room isn't too bad, but he does have quite a bit of clutter in there right now. Since we are storing some of Hubby's sister's items, and we have cleared out my old office for the R-man to have a place to sleep, it just feels like our entire house is one big clutter. I guess that will be changing in a couple of weeks.

Yes, sad as it is to say, the R-man will be leaving our abode in a matter of weeks now. I'm really happy for him finding a house, but it's also been nice getting to know the grown up, mature R-man. He lived with us about 8 years ago when he was still a student, and he was a great guy then, but now that he has been on his own for a few years, it's nice to get the chance to see what the adult has become.
Cuz, you did an awesome job with that guy - he is a fine young man, and it has been great getting to know him even more.
We will be sure to visit with him often since he will be living so close.

The week that the R-man is moving is also a week of holidays for Hubby and I, so we won't even be there to help him move! But, that said, when we get home from holidays, we will be able to move the boys from their temporary location into the their "new" domain.
This means we will be able to start to relieve the clutter and mess, too!
And, since that room has a door, I won't have to look at their TV room mess very much, either! It's just going to be a win/win situation all the way around! (Well, until I do go in their TV room and see the messes - that won't be pretty, I'm sure...) This room will also be serving as a spare bedroom for company, so the boys will be required to keep it tidy, but I'm sure there will be slip ups every now and then. I can live with that.

Just as we start "decluttering" the house (or rather *I* start decluttering) it's hard to believe that I will have to start thinking about "back to school" shopping. Sheesh - how does the time get away from us so quickly?
S's Grade 7 year was a big improvement over the previous years, but there were a few things that could have been avoided. I'm hoping this new principal really does have a lot of knowledge about Special Education and the unique needs of S. Otherwise we are going to be in for a not-so-nice year...

I found out on Friday night that I was supposed to pick up the A-man's report card at the beginning of July. He didn't share this information with me at the time, so now I have to wait until the school office is open before we are able to get the final marks back!
I have got to do something about improving his communication skills with respect to school details, but I'm not really sure how I can do that. In a few years, I will be totally in the dark when S is alone at the highschool - he gets notes at his current school and doesn't bring them home until weeks after the event is over... I wonder how many other parents of ADHD children feel in the dark with respect to what is happening in their children's school?

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