Thursday, July 17, 2008

Board Meeting last night

Last night was a bit of an emotional board meeting. Due to many reasons, the board as a whole was presented with a resignation from it's president/founder. She is such a wonderful lady - so caring and kind. It will be very hard to replace her, and I am really going to miss her.

After the 'business' part of the meeting, we found ourselves with a bit of time left over, so we all poured ourselves another glass of ice tea and started sharing 'war stories' about raising children with ADHD. There never seems to be a short supply of these when you get more than one parent in a room.

As the person that coordinates the various special events and fund raisers for the association, I shared with the group my desires and dreams for future events. Things like a "Wine Appreciation" (read "self medicating") night - which did bring a large laugh from the entire board because, as parents of children with ADHD, they understood how I could make that slight tongue-in-cheek joke. I also would love to incorporate a golf tournament and many educational seminars.
The problem with all of these ideas is that it takes time - time to organize, time to register, time to advertise... and we are a small board with the majority of us working full time. We really want to provide a great service for parents in our area, but there are only so many hours in a day. It's very frustrating to say the least.

Speaking of frustrating - I have about 4 projects suspended right now. All are awaiting an action on a co-worker before I can follow up on the next steps. I just know that all 4 projects will be thrown back at me at the same time - just as we are gearing up for a very busy work event. A work event that is promptly followed by my next week of holidays. I may end up having to post-pone my holidays by a week. Not sure yet.

Next Wednesday we are having our follow up interviews for an assistant. Hopefully the new hire will be able to start working for around the beginning of August, but that is going to add a little bit to my work load until the training time has been completed, too.

Oh, the joys of working, volunteering and parenting all at the same time...

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