Monday, June 29, 2009

Wedding and weeding

We had SUCH a good time at the wedding this weekend. It was an outdoor event - son of S's Godparents - and I had gone over Saturday morning to help with the final set up. It's incredible how much a tent can go from looking like a tent to looking like a place for a wedding once you put out the linens and place the centre pieces.

Hubby and I were invited for a barbeque before the wedding reception - it was an intimate family-only dinner after the wedding - and we had a great time with our friends before hand. The evening was perfect for an outdoor event. We had been worried that it would be too cool, but all the sides of the tent were left open, and most people actually mingled outside of the tent. It got too warm inside the tent because of all the dancing! I was the dd that night, but I still managed to rock the dance floor, and the AC/DC song I love has given me a kink in my neck that I know the chiropractor will love me for...

Hubby and the boys left yesterday afternoon for the cottage. I had talked about having a nap, but never actually did that. I did, however, get rid of all the cobwebs at the front entrance of the house. I also cleaned the boy's bathroom, and the kitchen, and made two types of flavoured vinegars; chive vinegar and tarragon vinegar. These herbs infused into the vinegar will make the vinegar very mild, and I will use it for salad dressing and hostess gifts. (This also used up some of my garden bounty!)

I took today off in lieu of Wednesday's Canada Day. Originally I had planned to go up to the cottage, too, but then I decided I could use the quiet time at home. This morning I got the veggie garden all weeded, then got to work on the moonlight garden by the hot tub. Got that cleaned up, and the chive garden, too! Then it started to rain. The rain put a ky-bosh on my afternoon golf lesson, too.

I'm going to work on indoor cleaning now, though. I figure I will be able to run the vacuum around the basement tonight, and depending on my stamina after that, I may even move to the upstairs, too. Both boys rooms have been tidied, and once I tackle the foyer, I will be pleased with the entire house again.

OH! Some good news! We have new neighbours - and they have a son the same age as the A-man! They also have a daughter that is a couple of years older, I think. This is the first time in 10 years that we have had neighbours with children the same age as ours. Now, at 16, it's hard to say if they will actually get along, but here's hoping...

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