Monday, June 22, 2009

Back to reality

Well, I managed to survive Ottawa.

This three day trip to our nation's capital also gave me a wonderful opportunity to watch our teachers in action.
These ladies do not have a clue.

They are all very kind women, but they just seemed oblivious to what was going on most of the time. I realize they had 40 kids to be concerned with, whereas I had only one that was my primary concern, but it just amazed me at the number of things that I picked up on - and often dealt with - before the teachers ever became aware of a possible situation.

But, the girls that were dressed inappropriately for the dance were well noticed - and discussed at great length - for the trip.


No matter - we are almost done. Tonight is graduation for S.
I convinced him to stay home today - there really was no point in going to school because the only thing that will be happening will be the decorating for the event. The girls will all be off getting their hair and stuff done (at 13/14 I know that never would have happened for me) and the few boys that will be at the school will be required to help get the gym ready.
He will stay home for Tuesday and Wednesday - because let's face it, they have already 'graduated' - and Thursday he will go to say his final good byes, get his report card, and clean out his desk.

Personally, I don't think I will have a big sigh of relief until we pull away from that school on Thursday afternoon.

The A-man writes his math exam today, then religion tomorrow and he is then finished for the year, too.

Looks like summer has arrived for my sons!

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