Sunday, March 15, 2009

What day!

Today was an EXCELLENT day!

Got a chance to sleep in a wee bit; then took it easy having coffee and chatting it up with Hubby. Then Hubby took S off to the Y while I went and got some food for the week. (Will probably last until Wednesday since it's March Break...)

After I got home from shopping, Hubby and I were able to take in a few rays - yes! We were up to positive double digits!! - while enjoying a margarita.

Then, as I was cooking dinner on the barbeque, we saw a robin! Do you realize what this means? It means spring is coming!
My ultimate favourite of seasons!!

Then, to make things even better, I am going to take Friday off work and spend it with Cuz going to a garden show!

It's been a great day.

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