Monday, March 2, 2009

It's MARCH?!?

"Show Season" - the time of year where I work seven days a week for a 6 week period...
The time of year when I don't sleep because I wake up thinking, "Have I done this? I have to remember to do this"....
The time of year where I spend as much time sleeping in hotel beds as my own bed...
The time of year where I enter a windowless building when it is dark, and leave it when it is dark again...

"Show Season" is offically over for this girl! Yippee, yippee, yippee!!!

I had a very good time last night with my co-workers and with a crew from PEI. It's usually tradition that Sunday night is steak night, and last night was no disappointment. Turned out the table beside us was a crew from Ireland and Scotland that had also worked at the show. We ended up having a lot of fun with them, too.
I'm pretty sure the entire staff at that restaurant was happy to see us go...

Going to start packing up and making my way home. I'll put in a few hours at the office this afternoon, and then I have to take the A-man to a dentist appointment to figure out what needs to be done with his impacted wisdom teeth.

I might even take a day or two off this week.

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