Tuesday, October 6, 2009

This and that

I gave a presentation about ADHD last night at our local Learning Disability’s support group last night. It went pretty well, but I think I whipped through my PowerPoint presentation pretty quickly. I was thinking, “Okay, 20 minutes of talking – and now WHAT?” but the group ended up having questions and discussions for another hour and a half! I often forget that many people are in that “learning stage” of the entire special education world.

I felt terrible for one lady – her daughter is 12 or 13 and they have just received a physco-educational assessment, and now she is fearful that she is “too late” for helping. I assured her – as did many people within the meeting – that she still has lots of time and that although it seems overwhelming right now, she will learn what is needed.

After the meeting broke up, the Executive Director of the LD Association told me that I am an inspiration to many, and I should be proud of everything we have worked through in our lives. An inspiration? Never did I think I would hear myself called that! A mess… now that would make more sense to me, to tell the truth!

One of the people I sat on the ADHD Board with was also in attendance, and she and I went for coffee after the meeting. She told me how she likes that I insert a bit of humour whenever I do a presentation, and I confessed that I don’t really intend to do that – it just seems to happen. “Either way,” she told me, “you make people feel comfortable with a difficult subject and help them to realize that things aren’t always that bad.” (Made me feel good, I will admit.)

The A-man’s drama class will be putting on an adaptation of The Lion King toward the end of the semester. The A-man’s audition was last week, and he has been given the role of Mufasa for the play. His off-stage role will be that of lighting. He feels that lighting is the most important off-stage part because, really, “The play can’t go on if no one can see the actors!” What a guy.

Still haven’t heard back from his English teacher – guess I will have to give her ANOTHER call today. I realize she was away for a couple of days last week, but it really is quite ridiculous that in almost 2 weeks she hasn’t had a chance to return my phone call.

My new assistant begins today. Not quite sure what I’m going to get her to work on first – guess I will just have to wing it. Wish me luck!


Cuz said...

I for one can fully understand why people would find your story inspirational...think back thru all the trials and look how far all of you have come...the boys are great and becoming thoughtful, productive young men, that didn't happen with a wish and a prayer. xx

Jori said...

Awww - gee, shucks.... thanks, Cuz!